20 Random Questions

Hello everyone! I haven’t posted in forever and I am currently snowed in so I thought, why not get back to posting on this blog? Since it is a new year, I figured I would answer 20 random questions for fun.

1. Where would your dream holiday be?

I have actually been thinking about this a lot lately because I want to start traveling world wide. I have always wanted to go to Thailand or London because they seem like very cool places to visit

2. What sound do you love?

It probably sounds a little weird, but my favorite sound is shoes on a floor. I have no idea why, it has just always appealed to me.

3. If you were a dinosaur, what kind of dinosaur would you be?

As a kid I always loved the brontosaurus. If I were a dinosaur, that’s what I would be.

4. If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?

I have always enjoyed the Percy Jackson series of books and I admire Annabeth and can also relate to some parts of her personality.

5. If you were a super hero, what powers would you have?

If I were a superhero, I would want to be like Captain America. He’s my favorite because he really doesn’t need any crazy powers, he just thinks about it.

6. If you could breed two totally different animals together, what new animal would you create?

Ok, this question kind’ve weirded me out when I first saw it but I think a lion and a wolf would be pretty cool.

7. What other languages can you speak?

I am currently almost done with Spanish so I am not fluent, but I soon hope to be.

8. Do you love or hate rollercoasters?

I LOVE rollercoasters.

9. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

I haven’t really gone any places that serve strange foods, but at one restaurant I had swordfish. It isn’t really weird, but it’s pretty cool.

10. Do you collect anything?

I am not currently collecting anything, but I used to collect bottle caps.

11. What would be in your dream sandwich?

My dream sandwich would be mozzarella, olive oil, basil, prosciutto, all on french bread.

12. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

If I could meet anyone, I would meet Frank Sinatra because he is my idol.

13. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

My favorite cartoon growing up was Tom and Jerry. I loved to watch the old ones every Saturday morning.

14.What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever been for Halloween ?

I never really go all out for Halloween, but one year I was a cat and my face paint was pretty cool.

15. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?

The best gift I’ve ever received was the day after Christmas one year we got to go to New York City.

16. What ice cream flavor do you love and which flavor do you hate?

I LOVE cookie dough ice cream, but I HATE ice cream that has candy in it like crunch bar or oreo.

17. Are you a dog person or a cat person?

I am definitely a dog person.

18. What’s your fondest childhood memory?

I remember I rescued this tiny little turtle and I kept him as a pet.

19. Would you rather be poor and happy or rich and miserable?

I would rather be poor and happy because it doesn’t matter how much money I have as long as I’m happy.

20. What would your ideal first date be?

My ideal first date would be to just stay at home, order some pizza, and watch a movie to just have an all around good bonding time.

That’s all for today! Hope you enjoyed these random facts!